Dear courage

Dear courage

Dear Courage, Don’t fail me now.  I am recommitting myself to you, to the promise of potential, to a new future which makes my vision for my life a priority. Stick with me when I’m not patient. Stick with me when I’m scared. Stick with me when I want to give up. Remind me of […]

Dear future me

Dear future me

Dear future Aurora, So how’s the view over there? It’s been eight years since you left the safety of the corporate world to strike out on your own, to fulfill this dream, to listen to the voice that was telling you to start your own business. Was it everything you imagined?  Was it better?  Was […]

Dear intuition

Dear intuition

Dear intuition, The one time I went to her, a chart reader (“I am not a fortune teller,” she had quietly reminded me) told me, “your intuition is very strong.” I shook my head and told her she had it all wrong.  Unlike my friends who revealed that they had kutob (an inkling) about why they didn’t fall […]

Dear home

Dear home

Dear home, I needed to find you.  I had moved back to my parents’ house, after a difficult patch in my marriage, the hardest and darkest part of my life.  You stood for moving on, for a dream come true—even if my life looked nothing like I had planned, even if I was living a […]

Dear Love

Dear Love

This month, I decided to challenge myself and participate in Susannah Conway’s April Love event.  She’s inviting her readers to write daily love letters around a certain theme.  I can’t make the daily commitment, but I want to do at least 10.  Here’s the first one, nine days late: Dear Love, So this is what […]