Allow holiness

Allow holiness

A lot of the blogs I read are doing their annual countdowns and goal setting for 2016.  There are tips on how to make and keep New Year’s resolutions and the most unforgettable moments of the past year. Before I go into that space of planning for the year ahead, I want to keep my […]

A life she loved

I found this old photo on my Instagram feed. How do you design a life you love?  It’s in the choices you make—how you spend your time, how you treat yourself, how you show love everyday. It’s in the consistency of those choices:  to choose positivity over anxiety, to see opportunity in obstacles, to decide […]


Sometimes change happens so slowly. I remember Monday mornings at my old job.  I would despair at the expanse of the weeks, months and years that lay before me. I knew what was expected of me day by day, what needed to be accomplished every month and what to do the year before to prepare […]

10 Things I’m Loving Now

1. We recently got HGTV in the Philippines and I am obsessed with Beachfront Bargain Hunt and Fixer Upper. The first show feeds into my dream of owning my own beach house while Fixer Upper is all about massive makeovers (an idea that I can really get behind). 2. It’s the hottest summer in memory […]