Ten creative projects that you can start this month

creative projects

My coach told me to invest my energy into my creativity instead of my fears. Here are 10 creative projects you can start this month (there are a lot of mini holidays this August):

1. Start your own journaling challenge. Compile a list of fun questions and prompts and commit yourself to answering these everyday next month.

2. Be part of an Instagram challenge where you take a photo and post everyday. Here are two I have joined in the past: August Break by Susannah Conway and Fat Mum Slim (she has hers every month).

3. Plan an itinerary to a country you’ve always wanted to visit—even if you don’t have the funds for it yet. Research on where to go, where to eat, where to stay, where to shop. For bonus points, make a corresponding outfit for each day.

4. Come up with a list of 30 things to do when you’re bored. Cut them up and put them in a container. When you find yourself getting bored, pick an activity from your list and make a commitment to do it.

5. Create a vision board. Look for photos on Pinterest that call out to you and make a collage.

6. Grab a bunch of Post-Its and write compliments on it. Stick them in weird places so you can surprise yourself in remembering how fabulous you are.

7. Read up on bullet journaling and start your own.

8. Write thank you letters to: your body, the woman who’s made the most impact on your life, your favorite teacher, your first boss, your child.

9. Write by hand 100 of your favorite quotes. You can use calligraphy or fancy lettering or just scribble them in your bullet journal.

10. Create a photo book. Come up with meaningful captions by going beyond just describing a photo and including details like what happened before or after the photo was taken, what was said, your emotions, a relevant quote, what you learned.

Photo by Tanialee Gonzalez on Unsplash.
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