What’s stopping you from getting things done? Maybe you’ve been telling yourself for years that it’s time to… …write a book. …start your own business. …meditate every day. …go to the gym or yoga studio regularly. …start a blog or TikTok. Year after year, this plan is in your vision board. It’s always at the […]
The pace of change
I’ve been meditating for years and I don’t feel calmer. I’ve been writing in my journal and I’m not feeling the life-changing magic everyone is talking about. I exercise regularly but I’m still not losing weight. Do any of these statements sound familiar? This reminds me about something the director of our coaching program told us about […]
14 things I know for sure
When I was 37 and doing healing work with a counselor, he asked me to write down what I knew for sure. In true over-achieving fashion, I made a list that corresponded to my age. I looked for it last week and read it again. I edited and added to the list because I have grown in […]
The magic in the everyday
I’m watching the light paint the corner of the living room this morning. The leaves on my ZZ plant are standing tall and shiny, preening under the sun. The books on my shelves are haphazardly arranged, waiting patiently for me to look up from my Kindle or my phone to finally pick one of them […]
My wish for you in 2023
I wish for you a year when you throw open the doors to your heart. When you loudly proclaim, “I’m here.” When you softly whisper, “I’m ready.” When you no longer settle for less—from yourself or others. When you take courageous steps—whether they are baby ones or giant leaps. When you no longer shrink yourself to fit in. When you savor life’s gifts—the promise in a sunrise, the joys of a curated playlist […]
The gifts of 2022
Boosters. Face-to-face school. Meals out with friends. Parties to celebrate milestone birthdays. Travel. The Tiny Gratitude Journaling Kit. The Sunday Night Journal Volume 5. Collaborating with @mummywanderoo. Finishing my 50,000-word novel which I completed right on time for its November 30 deadline. This is my short list of 2022’s gifts. How about you? What were the gifts […]